PM Ciolacu, two-day official visit to Bavaria State, joint meeting of Romanian and Bavarian governments

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is paying an official two-day visit to the Bavarian State in the Federal Republic of Germany starting from Monday, where he will participate also in a joint meeting of the Romanian and Bavarian governments and will have a meeting with representatives of the Romanian community in the region.


According to a press release from the Government, the visit takes place in the context of marking 25 years of Romanian-Bavarian bilateral relations.

“Together with the Romanian ministers and the deputy of the German minority, I will participate in the first joint government meeting between Romania and Bavaria, in which we will discuss foreign and European policy files, security, cooperation on internal affairs, social affairs and work. Dimension economy is a pillar of our collaboration. Among the German states, Bavaria represents the most important investor and commercial partner for Romania, with a volume of trade of over 8 billion euros. We want the big companies based in Bavaria operating in automotive, engineering and aerospace industry to invest in Romania, because we have one of the highest growth rates in Europe,” said Marcel Ciolacu, quoted in the press release.

On Monday evening, the head of the Romanian Government will attend the reception offered in his honor, at the Nymphenburg Castle in Munich, together with representatives of the diaspora, of the ethnic Germans in Romania, of the Saxons and Swabians, as well as of the religious denominations.

PM Ciolacu, two-day official visit to Bavaria State


“The Romanian community in Bavaria is the largest foreign community in this country, according to official data, 213,000 Romanian citizens are settled in Bavaria”, according to the press release.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu will be received by the Prime Minister of the Free State of Bavaria, Markus Soder, at the headquarters of the Bavarian State Chancellery, with whom he will later have a one-on-one meeting.

The two governments, Romanian and Bavarian, will have a joint meeting in which they will review the representative elements in bilateral relations, they will discuss the future of the candidate states for accession to the European Union from the Western Balkans, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova and the EU Strategy for the Region Danube, about the security situation in Europe, with emphasis on the situation in Ukraine and the measures that were taken to support the neighboring country.

“The discussion agenda also includes other topics, such as cooperation in the field of security, the phenomenon of migration, the Schengen Area, education and research. At the same time, the two government delegations will sign a memorandum on entrepreneurship, SMEs and Start-Ups,” the quoted source also informs.

During the official visit, the prime minister is accompanied by the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Sorin Grindeanu, by the Minister of National Defense, Angel TIlvar, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, by the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Stefan-Radu Oprea, by the Minister of Labor and Social Solidarity, Simona Bucura-Oprescu.

According to the data presented by the Government, among the German states, Bavaria represents the most important investor and commercial partner for Romania, with a trade volume of about 8.37 billion euros (in second place is the State of Baden Wurttemberg with 8.22 billion of euros, and in 3rd place the State of North Rhine-Westphalia with 7.39 billion euros), these mainly targeting the areas of car construction, parts and components from the automotive industry, IT.

“Over 1,000 businesses from Bavaria contribute to economic exchanges with our country”, the Romanian Government also informs.

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